As of July 25, 2024, we have one Wholesale Licenses (no location) for sale.
Please be sure you have your Business Registered with the Oregon Secretary of State, and you have an approved Wholesale LUCS for your property before inquiring to purchase.
Active OLCC Wholesale Licenses only, certified 100% compliant and ready to move to your location. CannXperts validates with the OLCC that the license is eligible for a change of ownership, so you don’t have hassles at the end of the project!
Dedicated licensing team available to manage the transfer
Proactive compliance inspection of your new site available
Surveillance install available
SKU: CannXperts 2023
As of July 25, 2024, we have one Wholesale Licenses (no location) for sale.
Please be sure you have your Business Registered with the Oregon Secretary of State, and you have an approved Wholesale LUCS for your property before inquiring to purchase.
Active OLCC Wholesale Licenses only, certified 100% compliant and ready to move to your location. CannXperts validates with the OLCC that the license is eligible for a change of ownership, so you don’t have hassles at the end of the project!
Dedicated licensing team available to manage the transfer
Proactive compliance inspection of your new site available
Surveillance install available
SKU: CannXperts 2023
As of July 25, 2024, we have one Wholesale Licenses (no location) for sale.
Please be sure you have your Business Registered with the Oregon Secretary of State, and you have an approved Wholesale LUCS for your property before inquiring to purchase.
Active OLCC Wholesale Licenses only, certified 100% compliant and ready to move to your location. CannXperts validates with the OLCC that the license is eligible for a change of ownership, so you don’t have hassles at the end of the project!
Dedicated licensing team available to manage the transfer
Proactive compliance inspection of your new site available
Surveillance install available
SKU: CannXperts 2023